(DAY 1) important question
Graduation TDC Part 1 (2019-2022) Math/Physics/Chemistry
PG 1st semester (2019-21) – Physics / Math – Important questions
Are you searching for BSc 1st year and PG 1st semester important questions in Physics/Math/Chemistry?
Well, you are in the right place. In this post, we are go to share some of the most important questions of Physics/Math/Chemistry for TDC Part 1and PG 1st semester students. (B.R.A BIHAR UNIVERSITY)

(Day 1) (08-03-2021) TDC PART 1 PHYSICS (Hons.)
PHYSICS (Hons.) Paper-2
TDC Part 1 (2019-22)
(Answer any six questions, selecting two from Group A, four from Group B.)
Group A
1.Derive Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities of gas molecules. Obtain expressions for mean velocity and root mean square velocity gas molecules.
2.Derive the general equation for one dimensional flow of heat in a long conducting bar and obtain its steady state solution.
3.Define mean free path of gas molecules. Obtain an expression for mean free path of ideal gas molecules on the basis of Maxwell’s law for distribution of speed of gas molecules.
4. Explain degree of freedom. State and establish the theorem of equipartition of en 4/14 expression for Cp / Cv for a diatomic gas. Where symbols have their usual meaning. important question
5. Show that the ratio of electrical and thermal conductivity of a metal is constant. Discuss importance of the result.
6. What do you mean by transport phenomena in gases. Obtain an expression For coefficient of viscosity of an ideal gas on the basic of kinetic theory.
7. Discuss with necessary theory an experiment for determination of Avogadro number.
8. What is Brownian motion? Describe Einstein’s theory of Brownian motion and discuss its importance.
9. Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Avogadro’s number(b)Equipartition of energy(C) Diffusion in gases (d) Distribution of speed of gas molecules.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Brownian motion (b) Viscosity of a gas (c) Vander Waal equation (d) Rectilinear flow of heat.
1. Define Enthalpy, Helmholtz function and Gibbs function of a thermodynamical system. Obtain Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
2. What is Joule Thomson effect? Obtain an expression for change in temperature of a Van der Waal gas when it undergoes Joule Thomson expansion.
3. Write down Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations. Using those relations derive the two Tds equation.
4. State and prove Carnot theorem. Describe Carnot engine and obtain an expression for its efficiency.
5. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics and hence discuss the definition of temperature of a system.
6. What is entropy of a thermodynamic system? Obtain an expression for change in entropy of a system when it undergoes a change from state A to state B in a reversible manner.

7. Distinguish between the first and second order phase transition. Obtain Ehrenfest equation of phase transition.
8. With the help of Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, obtain relation for Variation of (a) Cv with volume and (b) Cp with pressure.
9. State and establish Stefan’s law of radiation. Discuss how it has been verified experimentally. important question
10. Give a critical account of Debye’s theory of specific heat of solid.
11. Obtain Clausius Clapeyorn equation and hence discuss the effect of Change of pressure on the meeting point of a solid.
12. Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Second law of thermodynamics (b) Cannot theorem (c) Kirchhoff’s law of radiation (d) Absolute scale of temperature. (e) Gibbs-Helmoltz equation (f) First law of thermodynamics (g) First order phase transition (h) Clausius inequality.
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