BIHAR UNIVERSITY (Muzaffarpur)Zoology Exam Important Questions
BIHAR UNIVERSITY (Muzaffarpur) Exam Important Questions
(DAY 9)
Graduation TDC Part 1 (2019-2022) Math/Physics/Chemistry/Zoology
Exam Important Questions
Graduation TDC Part 1 (2019-2022) Bihar University
PG 1st semester (2019-21) – Physics/Math – Important questions
Are you searching for BSc 1st year and PG 1st semester important questions in Math/Physics/Chemistry/Zoology ?
Well, you are in the right place. In this post, we are go to share some of the most important questions of Math/Physics/Chemistry (SCIENCE) for TDC Part 1 and PG 1st semester students. (B.R.A BIHAR UNIVERSITY)
Zoology (Hons.)
TDC PART 1 Zoology (Hons.)
(Day 9)
TDC Part 1 (2019-22)
Zoology (Hons.) Paper- 2

(Answer any five questions, selecting at least two questions from each Group.)
Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
I Select the correct answer from the multiple choices :
1. (a) About 50-70% of the required oxygen in atmosphere is produced by
(i) Phytoplankton in fresh water bodies on earth
(ii) Phytoplankton in Oceans
(iii) Torrential rain forests and all other forests on earth (iv)Herbs, shrubs and trees on land, hills and mountain
2. (b) Major green house effect is caused by
(i) Water vapour
(ii) Carbon dioxide
(iii) Methane
(iv) Ozone
3. (C) 21st March observed round the world
(i) As UN Earth Day
(ii) As UN Forest Day
(i) As UN Environment Day (iv) As UN Biological Diversity Day
4. (d)Ozone Day is celebrated on
(i) January, 30 (ii) April, 21 (iii) September, 16 (iv) December, 25
5. (E)Carbon in earth’s atmosphere exists in th form of
(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Methane
(iii) Methane and carbondioxide
(iv) Carbon dioxide and Carbon mmonoxide
6. (f) Largest source of water pollution in India is :
(i) Untreated sewage
(ii) Agricultural run off
(i) Unregulated small scale industries
(iv) Pesticides and fertilizers
7. (g) Permissible limit of PM10 (Coarse dust particles)
(1) 30 microgram per cubic metre
(2) 90 microgram per cubic metre
(3) 150 microgram per cubic metre
(4) 200 microgram per cubic metre
8. Green plants are
(a) Producer
(b) Primary consumer
(c) Secondary consumer (d) Decomposer
9. Synecology is the study of
1. Water
2. Environment
3. Community in relation in environment
4. Individual
10. 5th June is observed as
1. World forest day
2. World environment day
3. World wild life day
4. World population day
11. Goodness of fit is related to
1 Chi-square test
2 T-test
3 Z-test
4 Standard deviation.
12. t’-test is applied to
1 Large sample
2 Small sample
3 One sample
4 None of the above
13. Ozone layer protects us from which radiation?
1 Infrared
2 Cosmic rays
3 4 Ultraviolet ray CO,2
14 The inherited behaviour is called
1 Imprinting
2 Learning 3 Maturation 4 Instinct
15. Red Data book contains a list of :
1 Extinct plants
2 Endangered plants
3 Extinct animals
4 Endangered animals and plants
16. Kaziranga National Park is in
1 Mizoram
2 Arunachal Pradesh
3 Manipur
4 Assam
17. Leaves of the desert plant are not torn away by high wind velocity because
1 Leaves are modified into spines
2 Sclerenchymatous tissue provides extra mechanical support.
3 Tearing of corners while the middle remains intact.
4 Bending is in the direction of wind
18. Circadian rhythm is related to
1 Biological clock
2 Reproduction
3 South reception
4 Vision
19. The lowermost layer of atmosphere in which man and other living Organisms exist is called
1 Thermosphere
2 Troposphere
3 Stratosphere
4 None of the above.
20. Gastric incubation occurs in
1 Darwin’s frog 2 Australian frog
3 Surinam toad
4 Mid-wife toad
21. Which of the following insects show highly organized social life?
1 House flies
2 Mosquitoes 3 Bed bugs
4 Honey bees
22. River represents :
1 Lotic ecosystem 2 Estuarine ecosystem 3 Marine ecosystem 4 Lentic ecosystem
Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Green house effect
(b) Food-Web
(c) Arithmetic mean
(d) Instinct
(e) Phytoplanktons & Zooplanktons.

Group A
1. Write an essay on wild life conservation in India.
2. What is ecological succession? Describe various patterns of succession.
3. Describe the carbon and the oxygen cycles is atmosphere.
4. Write an essay on Lithosphere.
5. What is pollution? Describe in detail about water pollution and its effects
On human life.
6. Write an essay on Air pollution. Suggest measures of its control.
7. What do you understand by biosphere? Describe the components of atmosphere .
Group B
- Describe chi-square test and its significance.
- Write an essay on Parental Care in Amphibia. 3. Describe the social behaviour in honey bee.
- Write an essay an Circadian or Circannual rhythum.
- Write an essay on migration of birds. 6. Describe standard error and its significance..
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