फार्म भरने की तिथि 6-15 फरवरी तक निर्धारित की गई है। इक्षुक अभ्यर्थी बिहार विश्विद्यालय के ऑफिशियल साइट को विजिट कर सकते है. Muzaffarpur bihar university nline application is invited from
the candidates seeking admission in
M.Ed. Course Session 2020-22 in Bihar University
College Name – C.T.E. College,Turki L.N. Mishra College of Business
Management & Vishun Rajdeo Rai Teachers Training College, Bhagwanpur,
Vaishali. Those Candidates who have applied in any College also needs to apply online on University website
इस तरह छात्रों का शोषण का शिकार होना पड़ता है। click here
information Bihar university on under muzaffarpur.

Important Information related to M.Ed. Combined Entrance Test-2020 Total No. of Seats :- 150 BRA Bihar university total number
College Name – 1.CTE. Turki Bihar university
2. LN. Mishra College of Business Management, Bihar university
3. Vishun Rajdeo Rai Teachers Training College, Bhagwanpur. Vaishali.
Starting Date of Form Fill Up : 06.02.2021 to 15.02.2021 Bihar university
Date of Issue of Admit Card: 18.02.2021
Date of Entrance Test : 21.02.2020 Bihar university muzaffarpur
Proposed Date of Result Publication:- 24.02.2021 click here